
作者: 时间:2024-06-02 10:50:00 阅读:



1. Make the bed [meɪk ðə bed]: 整理床铺

Example: It's time to make the bed in the morning. 早上该整理床铺了。


2. Change the sheets [tʃeɪn(d) ðə ʃiːts]: 更换床单

Example: Remember to change the sheets regularly. 记得定期更换床单。

3. Do the laundry [duː ðə ˈlɔːndri]: 洗衣服

Example: I need to do the laundry today. 我今天需要洗衣服。


4. Fold the clothes [fəʊld ðə kləʊðz]: 叠衣服

Example: Can you please fold the clothes and put them away? 你能把衣服叠好放起来吗?

5. Hang up the clothes [hæŋ ʌp ðə kləʊðz]: 挂衣服


Example: The clothes need to be hung up in the closet. 衣服需要挂在衣柜里。

6. Put away the clothes [pʊt əˈweɪ ðə kləʊðz]: 收拾衣服

Example: Make sure to put away the clothes after you wear them. 穿完衣服后一定要收拾好。

7. Tidy up the room [ˈtaɪdi ʌp ðə ruːm]: 整理房间

Example: Let's tidy up the room before guests arrive. 在客人到来之前,我们把房间整理一下。


8. Vacuum the floor [ˈvækjuːm ðə flɔː(r)]: 用吸尘器吸地

Example: I need to vacuum the floor this weekend. 这个周末我需要用吸尘器吸地。

9. Sweep the floor [swiːp ðə flɔː(r)]: 扫地

Example: She swept the floor carefully. 她仔细地扫地。

10. Mop the floor [mɒp ðə flɔː(r)]: 拖地

Example: I'll mop the floor later. 我稍后会拖地。

11. Dust the furniture [dʌst ðə ˈfɜːnɪtʃə(r)]: 擦拭家具

Example: Dust the furniture to make it look clean. 擦拭家具使其看起来干净。

12. Clean the windows [kliːn ðə ˈwɪndəʊz]: 清洁窗户

Example: The windows look dirty, we need to clean them. 窗户看起来很脏,我们需要清洁它们。

13. Organize the closet [ˈɔːɡənaɪz ðə ˈklɒzɪt]: 整理衣柜

Example: It's a good idea to organize the closet every season. 每个季节整理一下衣柜是个好主意。

14. Straighten up the pillows [ˈstreɪtʃn ʌp ðə ˈpɪləʊz]: 整理枕头

Example: Straighten up the pillows on the bed. 整理一下床上的枕头。

15. Fluff the cushions [flʌf ðə ˈkʊʃnz]: 拍打靠垫

Example: Fluff the cushions to make them look plump. 拍打靠垫使它们看起来饱满。

16. Light a candle [laɪt ə ˈkændl]: 点蜡烛

Example: Light a candle to create a cozy atmosphere. 点一支蜡烛营造舒适的氛围。

17. Read a book [riːd ə bʊk]: 读书

Example: I like to read a book in bed before going to sleep. 我喜欢在睡觉前在床上读一本书。

18. Watch TV [wɒtʃ ˈtiː ˈviː]: 看电视

Example: They were watching TV in the bedroom. 他们在卧室里看电视。

19. Take a nap [teɪk ə næp]: 午睡

Example: I feel tired, I think I'll take a nap. 我觉得累了,我想我要午睡一下。

20. Have a good night's sleep [hæv ə ɡʊd naɪts sliːp]: 睡个好觉



Example: Drinking warm milk before bed can help you have a good night's sleep. 睡前喝温牛奶可以帮助你睡个好觉。